
Interested in our thermal solutions? Keen to find out more about one of our services or looking for a quotation? In search of a rental boiler?

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Interested in one of our thermal solutions? Like to know more about our services? Find inspiration in some of our projects here! And, in the event of questions, we will be happy to provide you with further details about a specific application.

Hot water extracts excess moisture from confectionery

Using a hot water boiler, we heat the drying chambers where excess moisture is extracted from confectionery, after it has been cooked and molded. This drying process ensures confectionery with a fine and consistent texture.

Heat exchanger prepares flawless cleaning and heating of potato factory

Potatoes are not the only ones in a potato factory who require steam in the process. The cleaning and central heating systems require on the power of steam too. This loyal customer counted on our expertise to upgrade his furnace room to the next level.

Heat exchangers capture residual heat

With our help, ‘De Nieuwe Dokken’ residential project in Ghent now boasts a sustainable heat grid. That grid recycles the residual heat from a nearby production plant and transports it to all new residents.

One extraction system, twice the benefit

A powerful extraction system lets our customer combine his animal feeds in a clean environment. The dust that is blown into the air during the process is eliminated immediately and recovered to market as a residual product.

Heat grid for more sustainable energy consumption

Callens system puts the residual heat generated by this client to sustainable use! A thermal oil and central heating circuit now feeds into the city’s new heat grid.

Steam boiler from our rental range ensures grain processing night and day

Where grain processing requires steam around the clock, also the backup steam boiler must be in good nick. With that in mind, we replaced the pre-existing system while a new full option steam boiler from our rental range provided the backup our client needed.