Industrial cooling
Our industrial cooling systems are used in a variety of applications and as many sectors. We cool production halls, production processes, storage facilities, high-tech rooms, equipment... by means of sophisticated engineering and sustainable materials.
Industrial chillers
Industrial chillers are one of the three most efficient industrial cooling techniques. The combination of water and a small amount of coolant ensures a precise control range, allowing us to keep the water in the chiller at an exact temperature of between 5 °C and 15 °C, depending on your needs. Via the in-house designed pipework the water flows to your production process or air-handling system, providing the necessary cooling.

Cooling towers
Cooling towers are used to keep water at a temperature of between 27 °C and 35 °C or higher. We can either supply you with a closed-circuit or open-circuit cooling tower, depending on whether the air flow poses a serious risk of pollution to your production environment (caused by lime or micro-biological growth) or not. In addition, there are a number of special energy-saving applications worth considering. Our final choice will depend on the liquid that needs to be cooled, the flow rate and the temperature you require.

Industrial coolers
The results of an industrial cooler fluctuate according to ambient temperatures. When your rooms get too hot, ventilation with outdoor air may be all that is needed. By adjusting the ventilation flow rate, the indoor temperature remains comfortable all year round.

Adiabatic coolers & dry coolers
An adiabatic cooler cools liquids to temperatures of between 27 °C and 35 °C. Thanks to the closed water circuit, no water treatment is required. Moreover, most of the year the system operates in dry mode, without using any water. The only possible downside of an adiabatic cooler is the initial investment cost but, because of its low consumption, that cost is soon recouped.
A dry cooler cools a variety of liquids (such as water, oil, glycol, etc.) by means of air. The system conducts the heat, with temperatures of 35°C or higher, to the ambient air.

Process cooling
Process cooling takes place using one of the above techniques or a combination thereof. The required temperature will by and large dictate the choice, but cost-effectiveness will also play a major role. By switching between techniques as the seasons change, we prevent that the system uses too much energy during certain months of the year and becomes overly expensive to run. Our experts work out the most cost-efficient solution for your situation. By all means, contact us for further details.

Projects related to industrial cooling & air conditioning
To give you an idea of the extent of our expertise in industrial cooling & air conditioning, we thought it might be nice to offer you a selection of our most impressive projects. Hot off the press!