About Optimum by Callens
With its technologically innovative solutions, Optimum by Callens brings your industrial processes to the next level. Bespoke engineering ensures that our in-house developed thermal incinerators and heat recovery systems integrate perfectly into every production process.
Deodorisation and heat recovery technology
The takeover of Optimum in 2018 meant that Callens was able to acquire the requisite expertise in sustainable, environmental and energy technology. Under the name Optimum by Callens the two specialists have joined forces to develop innovative steam boiler solutions where odour control and heat recovery take centre stage.
Optimum by Callens designs, installs and services systems that control odour and hydrocarbon emissions, including pollution, on the flue gas side of industrial boilers, with heat recovery at the heart of the concept.
Keen to find out more about our sustainable environmental and energy technology concepts?
Visit www.optimumbycallens.com

We offer you 4 solutions
- RTO: Regenerative thermal oxidisers to reduce odour and hydrocarbon emissions.
- Heat recovery for polluting flue gasses by means of our own Optimum low fouling boilers with APCS; the patented Automatic Pipe Cleaning System.
- S-APCS: Semi-Automatic Pipe Cleaning System as a semi-automatic version via MECS/Dupont.
- Sustainable energy solutions: concepts to burn biomass, generate power...