
Interested in our thermal solutions? Keen to find out more about one of our services or looking for a quotation? In search of a rental boiler?

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Interested in one of our thermal solutions? Like to know more about our services? Find inspiration in some of our projects here! And, in the event of questions, we will be happy to provide you with further details about a specific application.

From expensive overcapacity to balance with backup steam

With a single steam boiler of 10 T/h, the installation of this laundry was oversized. We designed a smarter system that splits its forces to produce steam more efficiently and always has a backup plan.

New backup boiler & HRSG gas turbine boost process temperature reliability

The customer’s installation was about to draw his last breath. In cooperation with our colleagues from CallensVyncke, we build a flawless and high-performing steam installation with a HRSG and backup boiler.

Steam and central heating system keep bulk containers reliably warm

Liquid and semi-liquid substances need reliable heat to be transported safely. With our steam and central heating system, we heat bulk containers containing such substances and keep them at the right temperature.

Steam plant with 'dual fuel' burner balances heat supply

From old to new, to future-proof: this chemical giant moved its old steam installation aside for a new one, which includes a 'dual fuel' burner. In addition, we offered some extras that make the steam supply even more cost-effective.

Steam generators heat the shore

Backed by many years of experience in the field, we took up the challenge to keep one of the new tank farms in the Port of Antwerp warm.

Steam glues together the production phases of cardboard producer

This pioneering cardboard producer opened a brand-new site to serve his customers in e-commerce and industrial activities even faster. Thanks to the Callens steam that is now steadily flowing, the cardboard comes down the production line quickly and correctly.