Maintenance & service teams charged for busy Christmas period
Callens’ maintenance and service teams go through fire to keep their customer’s production burning 24/7. During the Christmas period, however, their flames are being sparked extra hard. When production facilities take a break, our Cauls go there for the periodic maintenance of the thermal installations.
Maintenance and service of thermal installation all fired up
Many thermal installations are being paused when their production facilities take a break. That pause is the perfect window for periodic maintenance, because in that way, nobody has to stop production unnecessarily. “A considerable part of our customers takes a break during the Christmas period, which causes a high need for maintenance in a short period of time and a lot of pressure on our teams, who want to spend time with their families too. Luckily, the Cauls support each other day and night, no matter what. They happily take over their colleagues’ shifts so everyone can enjoy as much family time as possible”, says Carl Coussement, Business Unit Manager Service @ Callens.
Technical knowledge resides in every function and stimulates roles
They all have their own technical know-how – our maintenance technicians, service technicians, burner technicians, mechanics, … Yet, they easily support everyone during the busy Christmas period. Each Caul working at Callens therefore receives extensive internal training. Using demo installations in our own workshop, which include two types of control systems and every possible component, they learn the tricks of the trade. Afterwards they enter the field with an experienced technician who guides them through all kinds of (unexpected) situations.